




First performance : Crest (Drôme - France)  - International FestivalI Futura 2000


dedicated to my son, 9 months , Amaël


38 min


Lambeaux originates in a encounter with Jean Chollet, painter, and in the knowledge of the poem composed by Jamel Eddine Bencheikh, after having seeing his pictures.

Detail’s and structure’s alliance, the impulse of certain features, the rapidity of the brush, the transparency of such a color, the substance that one’s guess, perpetual transformation of motions, of graphism, either slowly or more abruptly…All of these characters amply



The mystery of the signs remembering ancient or imaginary writings made me going back in time to the origin of human life : language’s early beginnings, cried, shouted, being articulated, whispered, spoken, written. A origin came to light. Something sacred imposed on me.

The five parts of Lambeaux represent differents aspects of the same idea.

Evolution cracks multiple layers distorting speech.

Ritual is marked with bells sounding in a closely space, a imaginary and secret place…in any case, ceremonial.


1) Instants de signes

With the voice of Jean Chollet

An environment of meditation, resonances disappearing, some rough, timeless evolving bells mark the poem, induce it…
Some images are going on, others impose on us more or less durably…
First vision, confidentially.


2) Mémoire

Some bursts…
Of sounds, of breath, of respiration, of gasping, orchestrated or not, insistant rhythmics…
 An imaginary language…
Breath gives birth to sound.


3) Traces

With the voice of Jamel Eddine Bencheikh

A choir goes on here and there…
Polyphonic rhythmics with polar tonality.


4) Suspension

Interrupted time…
Trajectories-sounds, sharp discords, responsive plays.


5) Un jour, une nuit, s’endormir

With the voice of Jean-Louis Dhermy

Abrupt gasps…
Tumultuous soundfligths…
Other agitated unexpected visions…
Time coagulates
Time has gone by…we have to fall asleep